2014 Summer - Northrop Welcomes
Newark Christian School, Newark, NJ

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It was a rainy day. The students were very helpful. They participated in the meal preparations and clean up. They even helped clean up our buildings.

For our microscope project Hubert collected pond water from the Northrop pool for pond life. We had our camera connected to our laptop that was connected to our projector so that the microscope images could seen live on the projection screen by all the students. The students sampled the pond water and below are some of the photos. It was difficult to capture photos as the tiny pond animals zoomed across the microscope field.

The upper right is a microscope picture of a copepod - cyclops. Next is the head of a mosquito larva. The eyes, antennae, mouth brushes can be clearly seen. Next is a photo of a water flea. The next two are diatoms and red blood cells.

Millie gave an short introduction to html coding. All the students then created a simple web page on their Northrop experience. The last photo above shows Millie working with a student.

Joe showed the students sunspots through his telescope and also Saturn and its rings. Cloudy weather limited telescope activities. Joe gave talks on sunspots, compasses, magnets, and the fern life cycle.


Photo shows us cooking breakfast on one of our two new camp stoves.

Then we headed off for a walk in Northrop's woods. As we walked Hubert and Joe discussed many plants with our students including: fern sporangia, hair-cap-moss, leaf attacked by a lot of fungi and the plant leaf fighting back, loss of the American chestnut and work to bring it back, coral fungi, ascomycete fungus (Leotia lubrica), shelf polypore, and a taste of Indian cucumber root.

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